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File Icon Theme

Visual Studio Code displays icons next to filenames throughout its UI, and extensions can contribute new sets of file icons that users can choose from.

Adding a new File Icon Theme

You can create your own file icon theme from icons (preferably SVG) and from icon fonts. As example, check out the two built-in themes: Minimal and Seti.

To begin, create a VS Code extension and add the iconTheme contribution point.

"contributes": {
"iconThemes": [
"id": "turtles",
"label": "Turtles",
"path": "./fileicons/turtles-icon-theme.json"

The id is the identifier for the icon theme. It is used as an identifier in the settings, so make it unique but also readable. label is shown in the file icon theme picker dropdown. The path points to a file in the extension that defines the icon set. If your icon set name follows the *icon-theme.json name scheme, you will get completion support and hovers in VS Code.

File Icon Set File

The file icon set file is a JSON file consisting of file icon associations and icon definitions.

An icon association maps a file type ('file', 'folder', 'json-file'...) to an icon definition. Icon definitions define where the icon is located: That can be an image file or also glyph in a font.

Icon definitions

The iconDefinitions section contains all definitions. Each definition has an id, which will be used to reference the definition. A definition can be referenced also by more than one file association.

"iconDefinitions": {
"_folder_dark": {
"iconPath": "./images/Folder_16x_inverse.svg"

This icon definition above contains a definition with the identifier _folder_dark.

The following properties are supported:

  • iconPath: When using a svg/png: the path to the image.
  • fontCharacter: When using a glyph font: The character in the font to use.
  • fontColor: When using a glyph font: The color to use for the glyph.
  • fontSize: When using a font: The font size. By default, the size specified in the font specification is used. Should be a relative size (e.g. 150%) to the parent font size.
  • fontId: When using a font: The id of the font. If not specified, the first font specified in font specification section will be picked.

File association

Icons can be associated to folders, folder names, files, file extensions, file names and language IDs.

Additionally each of these associations can be refined for 'light' and 'highContrast' color themes.

Each file association points to an icon definition.

"file": "_file_dark",
"folder": "_folder_dark",
"folderExpanded": "_folder_open_dark",
"folderNames": {
".vscode": "_vscode_folder"
"fileExtensions": {
"ini": "_ini_file"
"fileNames": {
"win.ini": "_win_ini_file"
"languageIds": {
"ini": "_ini_file"
"light": {
"folderExpanded": "_folder_open_light",
"folder": "_folder_light",
"file": "_file_light",
"fileExtensions": {
"ini": "_ini_file_light"
"highContrast": {}
  • file is the default file icon, shown for all files that don't match any extension, filename or language ID. Currently all properties defined by the definition of the file icon will be inherited (only relevant for font glyphs, useful for the fontSize).
  • folder is the folder icon for collapsed folders, and if folderExpanded is not set, also for expanded folders. Icons for specific folder names can be associated using the folderNames property. The folder icon is optional. If not set, no icon will be shown for folder.
  • folderExpanded is the folder icon for expanded folders. The expanded folder icon is optional. If not set, the icon defined for folder will be shown.
  • folderNames associates folder names to icons. The key of the set is the folder name, optionally prefixed by a single parent path segment (*). Patterns or wildcards are not supported. Folder name matching is case insensitive.
  • folderNamesExpanded associates folder names to icons for expanded folder. The key of the set is the folder name, optionally prefixed by a single parent path segment (*). Patterns or wildcards are not supported. Folder name matching is case insensitive.
  • rootFolder is the folder icon for collapsed workspace root folders , and if rootFolderExpanded is not set, also for expanded workspace root folders. If not set, the icon defined for folder will be shown for workspace root folders.
  • rootFolderExpanded is the folder icon for expanded workspace root folders. If not set, the icon defined for rootFolder will be shown for expanded workspace root folders.
  • rootFolderNames associates root folder names to icons. The key of the set is the folder name. Patterns or wildcards are not supported. Root folder name matching is case insensitive.
  • rootFolderNamesExpanded associates root folder names to icons for expanded folder. The key of the set is the folder name. Patterns or wildcards are not supported. Root folder name matching is case insensitive.
  • languageIds associates languages to icons. The key in the set is the language ID as defined in the language contribution point. The language of a file is evaluated based on the file extensions and file names as defined in the language contribution. Note that the 'first line match' of the language contribution is not considered.
  • fileExtensions associates file extensions to icons. The key in the set is the file extension name. The extension name is a file name segment after a dot (not including the dot). File names with multiple dots such as lib.d.ts can match multiple extensions; 'd.ts' and 'ts'. Optionally, the file extension name can be prefixed by a single parent path segment (*). Extensions are compared case insensitive.
  • fileNames associates file names to icons. The key in the set is the full file name, not including any path segments. Optionally, the file extension name can be prefixed by a single parent path segment (*). Patterns or wildcards are not supported. File name matching is case insensitive. A 'fileName' match is the strongest match, and the icon associated to the file name will be preferred over an icon of a matching fileExtension and also of a matching language ID.

(*) Some property keys (folderNames, folderNamesExpanded, fileExtensions, fileNames) can be prefixed by a single parent path segment. The icon will only be used if the resource's direct parent folder matches the parent path folder. This can be used to give resources in a particular folder (for example, system) a different appearance:

  "fileNames": {
"system/win.ini": "_win_ini_file"

system/win.ini means that the association matches files called win.ini directly in a folder system

  "fileExtensions": {
"system/ini": "_ini_file"

system/ini means that the association matches files called *.ini directly in a folder system

A file extension match is preferred over a language match, but is weaker than a file name match. A match with a parent path segment is preferred over a match without such a segment of the same kind.

file name match with parent > file name match > file extension match with parent > file extension match > language match ...

The light and the highContrast section have the same file association properties as just listed. They allow to override icons for the corresponding themes.

Font definitions

The fonts section lets you declare any number of glyph fonts that you want to use. You can later reference these fonts in the icon definitions. The font declared first will be used as the default if an icon definition does not specify a font id.

Copy the font file into your extension and set the path accordingly. It is recommended to use WOFF fonts.

  • Set 'woff' as the format.
  • the weight property values are defined here.
  • the style property values are defined here.
  • the size should be relative to the font size where the icon is used. Therefore, always use percentage.
"fonts": [
"id": "turtles-font",
"src": [
"path": "./turtles.woff",
"format": "woff"
"weight": "normal",
"style": "normal",
"size": "150%"
"iconDefinitions": {
"_file": {
"fontCharacter": "\\E002",
"fontColor": "#5f8b3b",
"fontId": "turtles-font"

Folder icons in File Icon Themes

File Icon themes can instruct the File Explorer not to show the default folder icon (the rotating triangles or "twisties") when the folder icons are good enough to indicate the expansion state of a folder. This mode is enabled by setting "hidesExplorerArrows":true in the File Icon theme definition file.

Language default icons

Language contributors can define an icon for the language.

"contributes": {
"languages": [
"id": "latex",
// ...
"icon": {
"light": "./icons/latex-light.png",
"dark": "./icons/latex-dark.png"

The icon is used if a file icon theme only has a generic file icon for the language.

Language default icons are only shown if:

  • the file icon theme has specific file icons. E.g. Minimal does not have specific file icons and therefore does not use the language default icons
  • the file icon theme does not contain an icon for the given language, file extension or file name.
  • the file icon theme does not define "showLanguageModeIcons":false

Language default icons are always shown if

  • the file icon theme does define "showLanguageModeIcons":true