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Introductory Videos for C# in VS Code

Get started with C# in Visual Studio Code by watching these introductory videos! These videos are designed to help you set up C# Dev Kit and build and debug C# projects in VS Code. After watching these quick tutorials, you'll be able to enjoy VS Code's rich C# feature set.

What is C# Dev Kit?

This video explains how VS Code together with the C# Dev Kit extension provide a productive and powerful C# development environment.

Installing C# Dev Kit

Learn how to install Visual Studio Code and C# Dev Kit and create your first C# project.

C# project management

This video shows you how to navigate your C# project using the Solution Explorer in C# Dev Kit.

VS Code C# productivity

This video shows you how to write C# code in VS Code and discover cool productivity tools you can use along the way!

Debugging C# apps

This video shows you how to debug your C# application using C# Dev Kits debugger tools.

Testing C# apps

This video shows you how to test your C# application using C# Dev Kit.

How to contribute to C# in VS Code

This video explains about how you can contribute to a better C# experience in VS Code.

Next steps